Most major DEECA agencies have annual reporting obligations under the Financial Management Act 1994 (FMA) and the agency’s establishing Act.

Annual reports prepared under the FMA must be tabled or reported in Parliament by the responsible minister. They include the agency’s:

  • financial statements, audited by the Victorian Auditor General’s Office
  • a report of operations.

FMA agencies must also:

  • comply with a range of other financial management obligations throughout the year
  • meet all relevant requirements in the FMA and related Standing Directions and Instructions, Financial Reporting Directions, and other requirements issued by the Department of Treasury and Finance.

DEECA agencies that prepare an annual report under the FMA are named in the list of Consolidated Entities in the Victorian Government’s Annual Financial Report (incorporating Quarterly Financial Report No. 4).

Examples are alpine resort management boards, catchment management authorities and water corporations.

Note: a 'public body' under the FMA is different to a ‘public entity’ under the Public Administration Act. Most major DEECA agencies are both.

Published report

After an annual report is tabled or reported it is made public. The published report must be identical to the one that is tabled or reported. No additions, deletions or amendments can be made by the agency whatsoever.

If there is an error in an annual report, it is essential for the agency to contact its usual DEECA relationship manager or team.

DEECA guide to annual reporting for public bodies

The DEECA guide to annual reporting for public bodies is a practical guide to annual reporting under the FMA. It sets out:

  • what must be included in the report of operations and in what format
  • example disclosures
  • how to comply with the Financial Reporting Directions
  • how the Model Report issued by the Department of Treasury and Finance applies.

DEECA annual report guide - public bodies 2023-2024-accessible(DOCX, 18.3 MB)

DEECA annual report guide - public bodies 2023-2024 (PDF, 3.2 MB)

Advisory bodies

Advisory bodies are not subject to the FMA. A number have annual reporting obligations under their establishing Act. The annual report of advisory bodies such as the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council must be tabled in Parliament.

Committees of management

The Phillip Island Nature Park Board of Management is subject to the full requirements of the FMA. All other committees of management of Crown land reserves:

  • are exempt from the Standing Directions
  • must comply with any financial management framework issued by DEECA must provide an annual financial statement to the Secretary of DEECA under the Crown land (Reserves) Act.

For further information, see Committees of management.

Other resources

On Board support module Financial management

Department of Treasury and Finance

The Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) ensures that a sound financial management framework applies to Victoria’s public sector. It is responsible for the FMA, including:

  • Standing Directions 2018, instructions and guidance
  • Financial Reporting Directions, that sets out what must be included in an FMA annual report and the required format
  • Model report (updated annually).

    Victorian Auditor General’s Office (VAGO)

    As part of it's role, VAGO audits the financial statements in all FMA annual reports.

  • Page last updated: 02/08/24