Johanna Tachas working on a planned burn

Graduate profile

  • Job title: Coastcare facilitator – Port Phillip and Western Port Region
  • Universities: Melbourne University and Australian National University
  • University courses: BSci (Hons)  Environmental Science and Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management

What a typical working day looks like for Johanna

7:15 am

I wake up and move my body somehow, either yoga or walking. If I’m working from the office I make myself presentable and grab my pre-packed bag.

7:45 am

I plan my workday using Microsoft task manager and update my calendar with work blocks around my meetings. If in the office I start my drive.

8:00 am

I make a drink of hot chocolate or Macha green tea.  If I am working from home, I pat my dog Leo and make sure he is comfy in his emotional support dog mat next to my desk.  If I am in the office, I arrive , sign in and say hi to anyone  and the taxidermised animals and Footloose the three legged turtle.

8:15 am – 9:15 am

I get stuck into some emails, message my team to see how they are today. We all work in very different areas around Victoria so it’s good to stay connected. I start with the easiest tasks to ease into the day and get as many things ticked off as possible.

9.15 am – 10:30 am

Phone calls start coming in from volunteer groups with grant enquiries, either about applications or outstanding milestone requirements. I field these enquiries with my best customer service voice and log all calls for probity and reporting. I’ll usually get a query or two that I will have to call our Grants Officer to check, as they are the one source of truth for information.

10:30 am – 12:30 pm

This is scheduled focus time to work on my projects. Currently, I am leading a marine and coastal volunteer forum and the development of a marine and coastal educational school kit. Depending on the stage of the project this can involve project planning, scoping, researching, procurement, social media, community engagement.

12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

Realise it's lunchtime, usually this is the first meal of the day for me.  If at home, it's fried eggs on toast with some avocado or last night's leftovers, or a loaded bowl of porridge. I scoff down my food and go for a walk, do some yoga or chat with a friend online.  If I am in the office, I will join my co-workers. It is a great opportunity to catch up  with the research staff who work at Arthur Rylah Institute.

1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

On Wednesdays, it is team meeting time, so I’ll usually prep my top 3 priorities for the week and the following week. This is online 99% of the time. The team meets up in person once or twice a year for strategic planning as we’re scattered around the Victorian coastline. These meetings are pretty important, because they answer the curve ball queries, I get earlier in the day and allow the team to share ideas on the projects they are leading.

3:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Usually, I take a brief 5 – 10 minute break, as I start to feel afternoon brain fog. A black tea to drink and I work on reporting, and easy administration tasks, emails and phone calls to get me back into the swing of things. If I am in the office, sometimes co-workers bring in cake and we share it in the tea room.

3:30 pm – 4:15 pm

I hit my last 45 minutes of productivity for the day and get ready to wrap things up or work longer into the late afternoon if I’m on a roll.

4:15 pm

Laptop off, and I let my colleagues know I’m away from my computer and I’ll see them tomorrow for another fabulous day.

4:30 pm – 5:00 pm

I switch off from work. Usually a walk with a friend, or playing with my dog, or doing a workout.  If I drive back home from work, I am listening to my Discover Weekly on Spotify.

5:00 pm – 11:00 pm

I jump into some hobbies – gaming, reading, cooking, baking, or catching up with friends for a kick of the footy. I call my partner, or go down YouTube rabbit holes.

11:00 pm – 12:00 pm

In bed by 11:00 pm. I am a 7 hour sleep person.

Page last updated: 02/09/22